
How To Set Up Outlook Express On Windows Xp

How to configure Microsoft Outlook Express to connect to your email account

Outlook Limited is an email client included in Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003. A Macintosh version is also included in Mac OS nine; Microsoft Entourage is the successor of the Macintosh version as part of Microsoft Part for Mac. Outlook Express is succeeded by Windows Post in Windows Vista and by Windows Live Mail service in Windows 7.

Outlook Express is often confused with or thought to exist the same equally Microsoft Outlook. In fact, they are two different electronic mail clients.

Because it comes prepackaged with Windows, Outlook Express is 1 of the widely used e-mail clients. In this tutorial we'll show you how to ready it to connect to your email business relationship. Every bit an example we'll employ Outlook Express half-dozen which comes with Windows XP (the older versions are outdated and rarely used). Nevertheless, they are all configured in a like way.

Before you set Outlook Express to connect to your electronic mail account, you demand to create i from the E-mail department of the HostKnox control console. If y'all're not sure how to practice it, read the tutorial on creating an e-mail account.

To add a new e-mail account, after you open Outlook Express click on the Tools card and and so on Accounts:

Outlook Express Tools Menu

On the new window that opens click on Add and so on Post:

Add Mail Account

Subsequently you lot practice that, on the next window (Your Name) you take to blazon the name that you want to use (e.1000. John Smith). It tin can be any proper noun. That's not your electronic mail address but the proper name that people receiving mail from you volition see in the From field:

Your Name Window

After you type your name click on Adjacent. On the side by side window (Net Email Address) type your full e-mail address (e.yard.

Internet E-mail Address Window

Later on yous type your email accost and click on Next, on the next window (E-mail Server Names) yous have to select from the drop-down menu whether you desire to use IMAP (Net Message Access Protocol) or POP3 (Post Office Protocol), and you lot also have to type the names of the incoming mail server and the approachable mail server.

The primary difference between Pop and IMAP is that with POP the email letters that you receive are downloaded on your local computer (otherwise you can't read them), and with IMAP you can read the messages directly on the server without downloading them. This ways that with IMAP your letters are stored and managed directly on the server; you can read and manage them from different computers. In our instance we'll utilize IMAP.

For incoming and outgoing mail servers you lot can use or just, as long equally your domain points to our servers. You tin can too use directly the name or IP accost of the HostKnox server hosting your account. If you lot desire to encrypt the data transfer for your electronic mail account, use the name or IP accost of the server hosting your business relationship.

E-mail Server Names Window

Click on Adjacent to continue. On the next window (Net Mail Logon) you accept to type your full email address in the Account Name field and the countersign for the email business relationship:

Internet Mail Logon Window

The e-mail accost has to be of an existing account that you have created from the Email section of the HostKnox control panel.

Click on Next to proceed to the last window where you merely have to click on Finish.

Now you have to configure a few other options earlier you tin connect to your email account. Afterwards the account is added click on the Postal service tab (on the Internet Accounts window, Tools>Accounts), select the account and click on the Properties button:

Properties Button

After you click on Properties click on the Servers tab and mark the checkbox for the option labeled My server requires authentication:

Servers Tab of Properties Window

Then click on the Avant-garde tab. There you have to change the port number for Outgoing mail (SMTP). The default one is 25. It's, still, often blocked for security reasons. If you want to use your post without encryption set up the port number to 587. If you want the data transfer to be encrypted and thus more secure, marking the checkbox for This server requires a secure connexion (SSL) and set up the port number for SMTP to 465.

By default the port number for Incoming post volition exist set to either 143 (IMAP) or 110 (POP3), depending on whether yous've chosen to apply IMAP or Popular. These are the right port numbers and you lot don't have to change them. If yous want to use encryption for the incoming post too, just mark the checkbox labeled This server requires a secure connexion (SSL). It's located right under the port number for Incoming mail. When y'all mark the checkbox the port number will be changed automatically to 993 for IMAP and 995 for POP. These are the correct port numbers, and then you don't demand to do annihilation except mark the checkbox.

You don't need to take an SSL certificate to have SSL/TLS enabled for your email account. The ane for the server volition exist used, so you don't really have to exercise anything boosted to use SSL/TLS. You only need to utilize for incoming and approachable mail server the name or IP address of the HostKnox server hosting your account. If you have forgotten to do this during the set up process and y'all have used your domain proper name instead, just click on the Servers tab of the same window (Tools>Account>Properties>Servers) and make the changes there.

In our example we'll fix the electronic mail business relationship to work without encryption, so nosotros but change the approachable mail service port number to 587:

Advanced Tab of Properties Window

After you lot make all the necessary changes click on OK. If you set your incoming protocol to IMAP, yous'll be asked whether y'all want to download folders from the mail server y'all added. Click on Yes.

That's information technology. Now Outlook Express is configured to employ your email account.

If you want to, you lot can also configure Outlook Express to connect to your accounts in Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail. To learn what yous demand to do to make this work read the article on configuring email clients to connect to your mail accounts in Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail.

How To Set Up Outlook Express On Windows Xp,


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