
7 Days To Die How To Set Waypoints Xbox One

For information about maps rather than the interface for maps, see Map.

Here the player has marked several waypoints on the map for personal reference and has no shared waypoints.

The Map Card activates when a player uses a keyboard-shortcut ("M" cardinal by default) or by clicking the map icon Map icon.png at the top of the menu while accessing one of the other main menus such equally Grapheme Menu, Looting Carte du jour, or Crafting Carte.

From the map menu the player is able to manage waypoints (personal and shared) besides as view the map and access map stats, such every bit the current twenty-four hours and time, exterior temperature, wind speed, and summit.


  • one Components
  • 2 Waypoints
    • 2.1 Creating Waypoints
    • 2.two Tracking Waypoints
    • 2.3 Centering Waypoints
    • 2.4 Removing Waypoints
    • 2.5 Sharing Waypoints
    • two.six Land Navigation
  • iii Run across likewise

Components [ ]

The Map Menu has three major components:

  • Map, which is the actual map indicating areas the actor has visited (the map reveals more equally the role player visits an area).
  • Waypoints, which permit a histrion to marker a point on a map for later on reference.
  • Shared Waypoints, which displays data almost shared waypoints.

Waypoints [ ]

The four waypoint options are shown at the tiptop of the pane. Waypoints are listed below, with "forge" beingness the highlighted waypoint.

The menu for creating waypoints with all possible icons shown.

The left-most pane of the menu lists any waypoints the player has created too as options to remove and search through waypoints.

Creating Waypoints [ ]

  • Right-click a point on the map and select "Save Waypoint".
  • Choose an arbitrary icon to represent the waypoint.
  • Give the waypoint a brusk proper name less than 13 characters.

Tracking Waypoints [ ]

If you highlight a waypoint in the list and click the compass icon Compass icon.png on the far-left, you will be able to track a waypoint. Tracking a waypoint places it in your compass regardless of your distance from the waypoint, allowing you to navigate straight to the waypoint. You can track multiple waypoints simultaneously. The compass icon Compass icon.png is a toggle, so one click turns on tracking for the highlighted waypoint and another click turns off tracking. Which waypoints are being tracked are saved afterward logging off of a server and out of the game.

Centering Waypoints [ ]

The 2d icon from the top left, which looks like a semi-folded map Map icon.png volition show on the map whichever waypoint is highlighted. The map will exist centered on the highlighted waypoint.

Removing Waypoints [ ]

The third icon from the top left Map remove waypoint icon.png volition remove a waypoint from the list entirely.

Sharing Waypoints [ ]

And the right-nearly icon Players icon.png will share a waypoint to either your allies or everyone.

In the shared waypoints carte du jour pane, you can salvage shared waypoints, show them on the map, and/or remove them from your list of shared waypoints.

Land Navigation [ ]

Once you take waypoints added to the map, you and then are able to run across them represented in your compass, at the height-center of the default screen.

As you lot become closer to waypoints, their icons in the compass become bigger and more than opaque. This provides firsthand data regarding how close you are to the waypoint, without having to stop and open the map. Quick waypoints volition not change transparency with distance.

On the left of the compass is a red flag representing a quick-save waypoint. At the middle is a bright "10" waypoint, and to the correct is a smaller dimmer "Ten" waypoint that is further away.

Run into also [ ]

  • Crafting Card
  • Character Menu
  • Looting Bill of fare
  • Skills Carte

7 Days To Die How To Set Waypoints Xbox One,


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